Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's Been Too Long!

Ok, I apologize. It's been an unreasonably long time since I posted. But I have wonderful excuses that include my two wonderful children, my more-than-full-time job, and a pregnancy. How's that? Anyway, I do have a story that, since its occurrence, I have been meaning to share. As I realize that this blog is read by many (my mom included), I'm going to try to keep it clean. See, I'm just now into the third trimester (30 weeks, thank you very much!), but there are still some residual effects of the second trimester, to include an increased desire for amorous activities. If you've enjoyed this particular effect of the glowing I-have-wonderfully-large-breasts-but-I'm-not-yet-too-fat portion of pregnancy, you understand that this mood can strike at unusual times. One morning at roughly 6 am, my husband and I decided it was a good time to indulge one of these moods. Knowing that Murphy's Law of Sex-After-Children would apply to this situation, we took precautions and locked the door. Needless to say, mere minutes later, we heard the telltale sound of a 4-year-old trying to open a lock door. After a little handle-jiggling and some soft knocking, we heard (and yes, this is a quote), "Guys? Hey guys? I think the door is locked. What are you guys doing in there? Hey guys? I need some Fruit Loops!" And thus, with a significant amount of laughter, the mood was completely ruined, and Owen got his Fruit Loops. Daddy, on the other hand, did not.