Thursday, December 10, 2009


So months ago now, I blogged about the vehicle decision. Crossover, SUV, or minivan: what to do? If I remember correctly, I boldly stated that I feel I am too cool to drive a minivan. Somehow, making the decision to drive the ultimate vehicle of convenience cemented my place as a MOM. You know, as if the birthing of two children, changing of thousands of diapers, and 23 total months of breastfeeding didn't already make me a mom. But you know what I'm saying. You see a Honda Odyssey at the traffic light, and you know immediately that a mom is driving, there is likely a Disney movie playing in the DVD player, and there are at least two kids' meal toys hiding somewhere under all of those seats. All of these are the reasons that I was hesitant. In my heart, I am still young and cool: I listen to popular music, wear fairly low-rise jeans, and am quite up-to-date on my celebrity gossip. (That, by the way, is the formula for cool.) Anyway, all that said, here is my confession: we bought a minivan. A 2007 Nimbus gray Honda Odyssey, to be more specific. And here's the whopper confession: I LOVE it! Not just "I love that it's convenient and all of my kids fit in it." No, I love it and I want to drive it all the time. I look for excuses to drive it, and if we're headed to the same place, watch out because I will very likely insist on driving. But hey, you can also watch a movie while you hang out back there! So my message, in short, is this: when it comes time, don't fight it. Buy the minivan!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Remember how in middle school someone told you that if you sneezed with your eyes open, your eyes would pop out? Well, I can't prove or disprove that myth either way. Truth be told, I'm afraid to try. I'm a little afraid that it's true. I also remember hearing that when you sneeze your heart stops momentarily. I feel pretty confident that that one is not true. However, I have learned something regarding sneezes with 100% certainty in the last few weeks. I have learned that if you are, oh, six or more months pregnant, and you sneeze, you WILL pee in your pants. There's just no way around it. Sure, you can do a Kegel, you can cross your legs, but inevitably a tiny bit of pee will sneak out. And if you are not taking one of these preventative measures, a lot of pee will sneak out. A change-your-undies amount. I don't remember this being true in the past so much. Maybe it's a product of having carried multiple babies; I don't know. But I feel that I've done my part to warn others of this wonderful side effect of sneezing while pregnant. And I think when my kids are in middle school, I'll share THAT little tidbit with them so that they can at least spread truths regarding the facts of sneezes.