Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What a crappy day

There are some things that really secure your status as a "mommy" and yesterday I experienced one of these. I put Ella down for her afternoon nap awake, as I always do, and went to spend some time with Owen. Maybe fifteen minutes later, she began crying pretty loudly, so I figured I'd console her, get her to go to sleep so I could take a nap myself. When I entered the room, I knew something was amiss. It smelled terribly in her room. As I approached my little angel, I saw something dark on her face. Fear began to set in at this point. When I peered into the crib, my nightmare was confirmed. Lying in the crib was Ella's open diaper, with poo strewn around the bedding. It was on her quilt, the bumper, her sheet, Dolly, her blanket, and of course, Ella herself. I'm talking feet, hands, face, and--brace yourself, ladies-- even in her mouth! The poor little girl was crying and putting her poopy hands in her mouth to console herself but was only agitating herself more because she was eating her own crap! Oh, the horror! Where do you begin to clean up a mess like this? Well, I began with the bathtub. My fully clothed little poopy prankster was tossed into the rather warm running bathwater. I scrubbed her in the hottest water I thought safe, and all the while she was still crying. After her bath, I brushed her teeth (thoroughly) and then commenced cleaning the crappy crib. AN HOUR later, she was finally able to take her nap. What a day. But, alas, I now have my poop mishap to share as I like to embarass my little girl. And that's something to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. They make pajamas that only zip up and down on the backside for toddlers who do these insane things!
