Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bodily Fluids Wednesday

Not as catchy as other monikers for Hump Day, but it pretty accurately describes my day. I woke up to Owen, pantless, entering my room. I knew before the words were out of his mouth. "Mommy, I peed in my bed." Ok, no big deal. Strip the bed, give the kid a quick from-the-waist-down bath, throw in a load of laundry, and go on with my day. Fast forward twenty minutes or so. Owen, Ella, and I are enjoying oatmeal while the littlest, Cole, enjoys his breastmilk breakfast. Ella begins to whine and grab her bottom, saying "Poopoo, Mommy, poopoo." I calmly tell her that I'll change her in just a minute when Cole is done nursing. Instead, she walks over to me, and as she does, poop--made quite stinky and very runny by the antibiotics-- is running down and out her pant leg. Yum. So I de-jammie another little one, soak her soiled britches in the sink, and proceed to give her a from-the-waist-down bath. Another load of laundry also awaits. Finally, freshly bathed and dressed, my children are off to school. It's just the littlest and me, but we're volunteering at the book fair at school today, so at lunch time, off we go. At the end of my shift, I'm talking to a good friend while her daughter picks out a few books. Just then, her daughter begins to cough, says "I don't feel good" and proceeds to throw up her Lunchable and CapriSun right. in. front. of. me. Awesome. As luck would have it, I didn't have to clean that one up. Thank God. I do NOT do well with vomit. The rest of my afternoon was fairly quiet. Until, that is, I was changing Cole's diaper, and he peed right over his head and right onto the moon lamp nightlight. And that, my friends, was my bodily fluid Wednesday.

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