Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh, the things I can do

As I typed that title just now, I thought I'd take some inspiration from the half dozen Dr. Seuss stories I read for bedtime tonight and make this post rhyme. Now that I think twice, I decide I'm too tired for all that creativity. But I did want to comment on the amazing things we mamas can do. Especially while holding a baby. With my first, I remember just sitting and holding him, not doing much else unless he was asleep or securely in his bouncy seat. But with two others underfoot, I have both more experience in holding the babies and less time to get things done. So, naturally, I find myself doing a whole lot with a little one nestled in the crook of my left arm. For more involved tasks, I'll put him in my Baby K'tan carrier, which is awesome, by the way. Without further ado, just some of the many things I can do while holding a baby:
-read a book
-blow bubbles
-wipe bottoms
-wipe noses
-take cookies out of the oven
-push a stroller
-give Owen a shove to get him started on his bike
-fold laundry (yep, with one hand!)
-type emails, FB statuses, blog entries, etc
-pay bills
-push kids on swings
-load dishwasher
-unload dryer
-reload dryer
-lift toddler and hold her while singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
And that's just today! And certainly there are things I'm forgetting. Mamas are amazing, that's all I'm saying. What did you multitask today?

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