Friday, March 26, 2010


My sweet daughter.

So beautiful, so fun, so full of life.

Such a pain in the a** sometimes. I love her. So very much. But there are certainly times when she makes me want to pull my hair out. We call her GodzElla because of her amazing ability to destroy. Whatever it is, she can destroy it. No matter how carefully you are watching her, she can destroy it. The more messy or expensive it is, the more likely it is that she will destroy it. Examples? Gladly.

1. Our fridge was in need of repair, so we were storing some food in coolers in the kitchen. Owen comes into the room where I'm changing Cole's diaper and says, "Ella's playing with eggs." And that was a very accurate description. Ella had opened the cooler, removed the EIGHTEEN pack of eggs, and was dropping them on the ground while shouting "bang!" Lovely.

2. We three were playing happily with the bubbles in the back yard today. When I put them down to answer the phone, Ella picked them up and poured them out. On her pants.

3. Ella wore an adorable bunny-ear headband home from school today. They made them in class. Cute little two-toned pink ears stapled onto a white headband. She wore them the whole was home in the car. She walked into the house and promptly tore both ears off the headband. Then she ripped the headband.

4. Ella brought home a cute craft made during her class's transportation week. They'd modeled little airplanes out of craft sticks and glued a picture of themselves into the cockpit. Ella proudly showed me the plane and then promptly ripped the head off of it.

5. This week alone, Ella has torn pages in two Eric Carle books and ripped the pop-ups out of Owen's giraffe pop-up book. And, ever proud, she brought them to me, saying, "See, Mommy, see."

6. Drumroll please. The final awesome thing that GodzElla accomplished this week... While sitting RIGHT next to me at the kitchen table, she picked up my camera that I was about to connect to my laptop for download, and dunked it into Owen's cup of water. Completely submerged. So no, you will not be seeing those pictures for awhile. It still won't turn on. I am not pleased.

This list is by no means exhaustive. And, on my honor, every one of these things has happened in the last seven days.


  1. Awesome. Got to love spirited children.

  2. Spirited may be the most accurate descriptor of that girl.

  3. You knew you'd get payback when you had your own kids, right? Think about all the family strifes you caused. ;)
