Friday, May 15, 2009

More Confessions

As I've said before, we currently have two kids: our surprise three-year-old son and our "planned" one-year-old daughter. Two weeks ago, we had the surprise of our lives all over again: we are pregnant with baby #3! Yep, that's right. We were done. One boy, one girl, two parents to two kids. Things were good. And then, while still breastfeeding and using birth control, BAM! pregnant again. So, it would seem that the nickname Fertile Myrtle was and is quite appropriate. My husband, of course, likes to strut around like a rooster in a henhouse. This is all a big ego boost for him. Why not let him enjoy it, right? So there you are, our newest confession. I feel like I need to add that although we were caught completely off-guard by all this, we couldn't be more excited. We're already discussing baby names and trying to figure out how the sleeping arrangements will be in a few months.

Oh, and a side note. Our son is apparently psychic. Or a prophet, or whatever you want to call it. A month ago (well before we had any clue about the pregnancy) he sat down in the "celebration chair" during circle time at school and said, "God hasn't given me a baby brother yet, but God is going to give me a baby brother soon." And then, voila, we're pregnant. Interesting, no? He also knew all along that our daughter was a girl and, in fact, told us when I was about 5 months pregnant that her name was Ella and stuck with this the whole time. How could we argue? So for the gamblers out there, the safe money is on the baby being a boy. Stay tuned. We'll know in another couple of trimesters!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you guys! What a great surprise :o)
    Is there any way your little boy can forsee a littel girl in my future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'll see what I can do, Lori! I'll have him talk to God for you. :)

  3. What did you parents say? Did you get a picture of your dad's face when you told him?

  4. Mom and Dad were so excited. Mom did a little excited yelp, and Dad was a little lost for a minute. Disbelief, I guess. But now they're quite excited for us to experience the joy that is three. Ha!

  5. We are so excited for the Wohlrab family! This baby was determined to join you so I think that "She " yes I am betting against owen, I know crazy.... is destined for great things, Congrats we can't wait to meet the newest member to your family :)
