Friday, May 8, 2009

Muffins with Mommy

So it's almost the most special day of the year for us mommies. Yes, for any last-minute dads out there, you have 2 days to do your Mother's Day shopping. Hurry up. Items left at Walmart at 11 p.m. Saturday will probably not cut it. Just guessing.

Anyhow, my son's school hosted "Muffins with Mommy" this morning. So sweet. I got to sit in a spare classroom at a brightly covered and decorated table with my favorite little man sitting on my lap, cuddling and sprinkling muffin crumbs all over my lap. It doesn't get a whole lot better than that. There's something to be said for some one-on-one time with your child, am I right? So I ask other mommies of multiple children, how do you do it? When do you find time to devote to one child at a time and make sure they know just how special they are to you? With two children, it doesn't seem to be too difficult for my husband and I... man to man defense, you know. My dad once told me that it was smooth sailing until my youngest brother was born (making three for my parents) when they had to go to the zone defense. Apparently this is a lot tougher. But wow, do I digress. So I'm chowing on muffins and OJ with my main man when he turns around and looks up at me and says through blueberry muffin-filled teeth, "You're my favorite mommy, and I love you the best." He then turned back around and went on with devouring that muffin. I had to choke back tears. Don't you love those unexpectedly sweet moments with your children?

So here's to all the mommies. I hope you get one of those beautiful statements of love in whatever form your child is capable. Sometimes spitting up on the burp rag instead of your shirt is enough, don't you think? And here's to the husbands that remember Mother's Day and don't make us cook Sunday! (I hope mine is reading this!) And here's to my mom, the most wonderful example of a mother I could have hoped to learn from, and also my best friend. I love you, Mom!

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