Monday, May 4, 2009


I decided to start a blog to keep track of the day-to-day craziness that is life as a mommy. My hope is that I'll be able to connect with other moms out there that have similar experiences. After all, who can understand us better than women who have been through the same thing, am I right? Certainly not a husband, no matter how incredible he may be.

Anyhow, confession number one will be the explanation of how this blog got it's name. "Confessions of a Fertile Myrtle?" I think I have to give my good friend Brittany credit for coining that phrase as it applies to me (I'm well aware that she did not actually coin the phrase itself). Four and a half years ago, my now-husband (then-boyfriend) and I had the surprise of our lives when I missed my period, took a pregnancy test (more to put my mind at ease; never expecting the outcome we got), and found out we were going to be the first of our friends to become parents. I have to confess something here, too. I was not all glowing and joyful immediately. I remember sitting on the toilet, crying, first because I hadn't planned to be pregnant and second because I was so sad that this future child of mine would somehow know that my first reaction to his/her pregnancy had been devastation. Yikes. I could see the counseling bills piling up. Sorry for the side note. Now, back to Brittany. So as I began to settle down, I did what all women in their twenties (and I'm assuming in their 30s, 40s, 50s, etc) do with big news-- I called my girlfriends on conference call. Announced my big news. Waited through the shocked silence. Began to cry (again). And then talked it out. Got to the point where we were joking about it all. And then the questions... "Weren't you using protection?" "What about your birth control?" My answers... "Yes." and "Yes." About that time was when my dear friend decided that I'd had no say in it at all. "Looks like you were going to get pregnant no matter what. You must be a damn fertile Myrtle." And hence my least favorite nickname and the title of this blog.

Now, I realize there are women out there (possibly even some reading this) who measure far more fertile than myself. Isn't there a popular show about a family with 18 children? I'm certainly not claiming to be the most fertile woman on the planet. It's just a catchy name, so calm down. I need to address something else here as well. Possibly a more sensitive issue. I personally know many incredible women who have struggled with or are struggling with infertility issues. I have heard their stories and cried with them. I realize that to a couple who has trouble conceiving, "fertile Myrtle" seems pretty insensitive. But what they may not realize is that, although I consider all of my children God's greatest blessings, this was not my plan. Much as some people struggle with the fact that they want to be pregnant and can't be, my husband and I have struggled with the fact that our plans were derailed drastically when that little stick revealed two lines. We certainly aren't complaining about the outcome now. We have one of the smartest, funniest, and sweetest little boys that I can imagine. And I would not trade that under any circumstances. I'm just saying, there are people out there that may be facing an unplanned pregnancy. And maybe my story could help them. Or maybe my daily confessions will help other moms realize how normal they are. Or maybe you can just stop by for a good laugh once in a while. Whatever your reason for visiting, I'm glad you did, and I hope you'll come back. I'll be posting another confession soon.

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